Sie sind hier: Hamburg16 / Tagungsort / Teilnehmerinformationen

Participants' Information


Participants are asked to look carefully after their wardrobe, valuables, laptops, and other belongings for which the organizers are not liable.

The coat check is located in the basement of the main auditorium.

Child Care

We offer  childcare for  children of all participants aged 3 to 6 years during the DPG-Meeting (February 2 to March 4, 2016). They will be supervised by education professionals of the Family Service of the Studierendenwerk Hamburg. Children under 3 years old can only be supervised in the presence of a parent or another close person.

If you are interested in this offer, please contact us in advance until February 8 at:

Please contact Familienservice if you need further information. After the registration deadline you will be provided with details such as the place and costs of childcare.


Information concerning canteens and restaurants on and close to campus you can find here:

Lunch, snacks and coffee breaks
Close to campus there are many cafes, bistros and restaurants ranging from fast food to gourmet restaurants. Especially along the streets Grindelallee and Grindelhof at the south-west and north-west corner of campus you will find a large selection.

See also campus map:

University canteens
The canteen of Hamburg University offers a large selection of meals at moderate prices. Cash is accepted in all canteens.

Further information can be found here:

You can find the following canteens on campus:
Mensa Campus (Von-Melle-Park 2)
Mensa Philosophenturm (Von-Melle-Park 6)
Mensa Studierendenhaus (Von-Melle-Park 2)

Cafeterias on campus
Many cafeterias are located on campus: For example, near the campus cafeteria (Café-shop Campus, Von-Melle-Park 5) or close to the main university building (Café Canela and Café dell Arte, Edmund Siemers- Allee 1)

Coffee breaks
In the foyer of the main auditorium (Audimax) you will find the industry exhibition. Coffee, tea, drinks and various snacks are available as well. Please take advantage of this offer and visit the stands of the exhibition.

Information Desk

There will be an information desk where you can get information about the City, accommodation, restaurants, culture from a local contact person. The information desk are located in the conference office.

Internet Access

To use the wireless network of Hamburg University, you will be provided with a guest account. Login and password will be part of your registration kit.

You can find instructions on how to get into the wireless network here:

Select SSID „GUEST“ from the list of wireless connections and activate it, and enter the password required for the WPA/WPA2 encrypted connection. You will be given the password. After starting a web browser and opening any web page you will be redirected to the guest login. After signing on with your personal login credentials you will be connected. If your university is part of the Eduroam union, you can also use the UHH wireless network via your own Eduroam access.